Rangers Protocol can realize a high-performance blockchain

veriska olap
5 min readOct 3, 2021

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About Rangers Protocol

Rangers Protocol may be a future-oriented virtual world blockchain infrastructure incubated by MixMarvel, group action cross-chain, NFT, and EVM protocols. As a superior chain cluster that may notice the EVM multi-chain contract ability, Rangers Protocol serves all entrepreneurs United Nations agency need to explore the blockchain world. It permits pioneer developers to freely try numerous content and applications within the Rangers Protocol system while not permission.

Rangers Protocol one.0, incubated by MixMarvel, is predicated on Ethereum’s Layer-2 ascendible resolution, that was at the start applied to the highest blockchain game HyperDragons. As a superior chain cluster that may notice the multi-chain contract ability of the EVM system, Rangers Protocol integrates cross-chain, NFT, and EVM protocols and expands on this basis. It permits developers to freely produce advanced redistributed applications and adapt them to varied situations, giving users a web application-like expertise. Rangers Protocol is meant to form AN wall unit.

Features of Rangers Protocol

> Composability and ability — one in every of Rangers Protocol’s visions is to become the bridge for blockchain assets’ circulation and connect with numerous public chains. Thus, digital assets will operate swimmingly between Rangers Protocol and also the public chain supported the thought of decentralization.

> High Performance, High Security, High Stability, And actually Random Numbers — within the blockchain world unpredictability and verifiability ar the 2 most significant characteristics to come up with actually random numbers. Rangers Protocol combines VRF+BLS technology to come up with actually random numbers at the msec level. VRF, or Verifiable Random perform, is that the core rule Rangers Protocol wont to calculate actually random numbers. Rangers Protocol uses the mix of BLS and VRF to permit nodes to collaborate and improve the actually random range system’s stability and security.

> Temporality — Rangers Protocol, introduce a world time being for the transactions sent by users. Rangers Protocol determines the order of dealing execution in step with the time being. beneath this mechanism, Rangers Protocol will come the execution lead to period of time for many transactions while not users looking forward to the block to be generated. Rangers Protocol provides a synchronous mechanism for developers that’s straightforward to grasp and use.

> Compatibility — Rangers Protocol could be a good contract chain compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machine. Rangers Protocol desires to create it straightforward for existing and new comes to deploy applications to Rangers Protocol. Application-level compatibility includes 2 aspects: Code compatibility; information compatibility. Code compatibility means current developers don’t ought to get new programming information. Instead, they will use existing codebases, as well as existing good contracts and front-end application codes, deployed to Rangers Protocol. information compatibility means the info within the contract already running on Ethereum, digital assets like ERC20 and ERC-721, will migrate to Rangers Protocol.

> Ease of Use — Rangers Protocol has created new good contract keywords for operations like cross-chain and NFT protocols. As a result, developers World Health Organization use these keywords in good contracts will get pleasure from the distinctive composability and operability brought by Rangers Protocol.

What is RPG?

RPG (Rangers Protocol Gas) is the Rangers Protocol ecosystem token. Tokens will circulate among users, developers, investors, and ecological nodes.

Token Utility

> Rangers Protocol has designed the tokens purchase and stake mechanism, that means developers have to be compelled to purchase and stake tokens to use Rangers Protocol.

> When users expertise or invest in applications that access Rangers Protocol, they conjointly have to be compelled to obtain and consume tokens.

> With the ecosystem’s enlargement, the token can still increase in price. additional and additional token holders and additional ecological nodes can create it a virtuous economic cycle.


Token Name: Rangers Protocol
Token Ticker: RPG
Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
Total Supply: 21 million RPG


For More Information Vist Here:

Website: https://rangersprotocol.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rangersprotocol

Telegram Group : https://t.me/RangersProtocol

Telegram Chanel : https://t.me/RangersProtocolAnnouncement

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/2VtwvqDKUF

Creat By :

Bitcointalk username: joanabae

Bitcointalk profile url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2856646

Telegram username: @joanbe7

Wallet address: 0xf54F50E9fAf3B6fc4C54a58F8Be5E8CEd035893a

